Golf How-Tos

How To: Cure a push shot in golf with proper ball position

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to cure a push shot in golf with a proper ball position. If the ball is too far from your stance, you will not be able to make full contact. You will hit the ball to the right instead of hitting it straight ahead. Have the ball positioned so that as your body makes it's rotation, you'll catch the ball the moment the club goes down the target line. This video also provides a drill that will help viewers to properly position the ball. This video will be...

How To: Improve posture to cure golf push shots

In this video Chuck Cook shows how to correct the push shot posture. He demonstrates that the correct posture for the shoulder should go down and out toward the ball which drives the club head around back to the left. To obtain this posture, stand with the feet shoulder width apart, the back should be straight up. Take the club handle and stick the end into your belt buckle with club head sticking straight out. Next extend the arms straight out keeping the club at the level of your belt buckl...

How To: Improve control with your golf irons

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to improve the control and shooting of iron golf clubs. Most people when they hit a golf ball go short of the green. Users are advised to use one more club (instead of 8, use 7). This will allows users to swing easier, allowing more control. When hitting with an iron, make sure it leaves a divot. It gives a better chance of contact and backspin. Find out where your swing hits the bottom. This video will benefit those viewers who enjoy playing golf and...

How To: Fix your golf grip to cure a hook shot

Golf Link demonstrates how to fix your golf grip to cure a hook shot. A hook shot often occurs because a player has a grip which promotes the hook. In a hook-promoting grip, the player has his hands too far to the right of the club. When carrying through with their swing, the club face closes and causes the hook. To align your grip, put a golf tee in between your left thumb and the first knuckle of your left hand. Repeat the process with your right hand. Adjust your grip so that both of the t...

How To: Control a slice in golf

This video presentation details how to control and reduce a slice in golf. Materials required include a golf club, golf balls, and optionally a tee. Ideally a wood would be involved in this practice. How to control the slice is somewhat of a misnomer since the intent of the process is to remove the slice since it can be an unwanted thing. A slice is when a golf club is swung and the club remains 'open', this is when it is facing toward the right as the swing is coming through, this imparts a ...

How To: Hit a golf ball low

This video demonstrates how to hit a golf ball low. Wood clubs and iron clubs require completely different methodologies. If you are trying to hit a low iron shot, you are trying to de-loft the ball and have the ball come out on a low trajectory. The easiest way to do that is to put the ball further back in your stance. This is true whether you are using a 5 iron, a 7 iron or a 9 iron. Place the ball back towards your right foot. Put more weight on the left side and lean the club handle forwa...

How To: Hit down on a golf ball

This video shows the viewer how to ‘hit down on a golf swing’. The idea of hitting down on a gold swing is that when you take your club back you do not move backwards. You stay ‘over the ball’ and simply rotate back using your hips. You then rotate forwards with your hips as you hit the ball and extend your arms. The club should connect with the lower half of the ball. This seems counter intuitive but the angle of the club should appear to be ‘down’ on the ball – this is where the term comes ...

How To: Hit a fade shot in a golf game

When hitting a fade shot in a golf game, it is important to remember this is only for shots that are about five to eight yards. Ten through twenty yards would be a slice. When you're coming to the impact area, the face of the club should be just slightly behind your hands. Fades seem to land more softly on the fareway and has more carry to it than the hook. The club should be slightly open when it comes in contact with the ball. If the club passes your hands on impact, the ball is going to drop.

How To: Avoid common mistakes when gripping a golf club

In golf the grip is the key essential feature and this video shows you the most common mistakes. It is intended for a right handed golfer - left handed players should note that the opposite applies. Let your hands fall to your sides and let your fingers fall to the grip. The video shows a weak, neutral and strong grip. The strong grip shows a V shape formed by the left thumb and forefinger pointed to the right shoulder. The palm of the right hand should face the target. You should let the fin...

How To: Grip your golf club the right way

One of the key fundamentals to playing a successful game of golf is to master your grip on the club. Stand in front of the club with your hands relaxed at your sides and let the club fall into your hands. Next, bring the club around front and set it down. When you position the club to hit the ball you will see two to three knuckles of your left hand. Your right hand will be hanging relaxed at your side. Bring your hand up like you are shaking hands with somebody. When you look down, the V sha...

How To: Practice the takeaway golf drill

Takeaway practice in golf is important. The takeaway position is only about three feet away from the golf ball when you lift to swing. The club shaft should be parallel to the ground. With the club shaft at your toe line, you want the club you're swinging to line up with the club on the ground (at your feet). The club's face should be pointing at the horizon in what is called the 'toe-up' position. Getting into this position correctly will insure more accurate and longer shots, so it is very ...

How To: Add weight to a golf club

This is a Sports category video tutorial where you will learn how to add weight to a golf club. In an iron club, there are two ways to add weight. One way is to attach an iron weight that has a magnetic tape behind it. You can also take the grip off and put some iron weight inside it that goes right down the club. For your wood clubs, they come with weight attached to the back. It is called fastrack. There are numbers from 1 to 6. You can move the pieces to adjust the weight. Watch the video ...

How To: Avoid a poor release that creates a golf push shot

Professional golf instructor Chuck Cook demonstrates one way to avoid a push shot by making sure that the right side does not hang back. If a golfer is allowing the right side of their body it causes the club to swing away from the body creating a push shot. He demonstrates a good swing where the right side of his body follows through and ends up past his left foot. In order to practice this correct swing he puts an umbrella in the ground in line with his left foot and shows how a good swing ...

How To: Cure a reverse pivot in golf

This video demonstrates the pre golf tips by Bobby Cole. The instructor is explaining about the problem of the people that they can not take the ball to far. The reason for this is reverse weight. It can be achieved by putting the weight in same direction where you want to hit the ball. It will increase the power and distance. The good tip to achieve this is to be in a good setup with a ball , turn your left foot out .Keep you right foot at ease and clay your hips and hit the ball. Your weigh...

How To: Use the "tee to re-tee" drill to cure slices

In this video tutorial, viewers learn how to prevent slice shots in golf. Slice shots are when the ball curves in the shape of a banana. A mistake that people make when they swing is that they drag their hands to far in front of the golf head, causing a slice shot. It also releases the head of the club too late and turn the club into another direction. The correct way is to swing and hit the ball at a straight line from the left shoulder to the club. This video will benefit those viewers who ...

How To: Draw and fade your ball in golf

Mich Baker of Bogies to Birdies demonstrates how to draw and fade your ball in golf. To draw the ball, first set yourself up in the fairway. You want to close yourself down by aiming right down the fairway when drawing the ball. Set yourself up for a fade by deliberately using a driver. Instead of coming in to draw the ball, come out and across for the fade. When fading your ball, set yourself up so that you are really open. Aim down the left side of the fairway. To fade the ball, keep the ba...

How To: Improve your golf swing timing

To improve your golf swing timing, use a whip golf club. The whip golf club gives you a slow motion type of action so you can better see what's going on with your golf swing. Timing is defined as when the golf club arrives at the ball and is very hard for the average golfer to recognize. If the golf club gets to the ball early, the ball will curve to the left. If the golf club gets to the ball late, the ball will curve to the right. If the golf club gets to the ball at the right time, the bal...

How To: Use good ball position when using irons and woods

In this video Phil teaches us how to use a good ball position when using irons and woods. He starts by saying you are going to want to the ball to be in different positions with different clubs because its going to make a difference. Starting with an iron it is important that you strike at a lower arc or descending hit. Its important that you're not too far forward because it will make it more difficult to hit the ball. Now when you're using a driver its different because the ball is up on a ...

How To: Use a one plane hip turn for your golf swing

If you need some improvement on your golf swing, Mike LaBauve can help you. This small video golf tip will show you how to use a one plane hip turn for your golf swing. In a one plane motion the arms, shoulders and hips all turn around in a circle as opposed to a slide and hip bump in the two plane swing.

How To: Use a golf tee to find the perfect grip pressure

Whether you're a golf pro or an amateur, using proper grip pressure will help the rhythm of your golf swing and the rotation of your golf club. Chez Reavie, 2008 RBC Canadian Open champ, will show you how to apply the proper pressure using a simple golf tee. Put the tee in your hands when you're doing golf swings and squeeze it . It will make sure you maintain the right pressure on the right fingers. Using this simple technique will make sure you always play golf at your best!

How To: Pull of the perfect pre-shot routine in golf

In this video, Tom Leese, Director of Instruction at Angel Park Golf Club, gives pointers for your pre-shot routine in golf. Important in the transition from the practice range to real games, your pre-shot routine helps you get situated and ready to play real competitive golf. Tom explains, first, how to set your lines, taking a straight and purposeful line down course where you want your ball to go, and remaining fixed on it, as you approach your tee. Then, when positioned at your ball, he t...

How To: Improve your golf stroke with putting drills

PGA Professional Rick Sessinghaus discusses three different tips that can help all golfers, from the amateur level to the tour professionals, can do to help improve their putting. The first tip focuses on improving hand and eye coordination by simply looking at the whole the proper way. The second tip deals with the reading the speed of the greens while putting. Finally the third and final tip helps the learner better read the line of the put. Rick believes following these three tips will hel...

How To: Improve your chipping game in golf

In this how-to video, you will learn how to prepare for a golf tournament by improving your chipping game. For a high shot, put the ball up in the stance with an open club face. Address the ball with the hands a little bit behind the ball. Through the shot, let the club continue to go while your hands are behind the ball. For a mid-range shot, take a middle stance with a lot less wrist hinge where you are almost right on top of it. For a low shot, place the ball back in your stand with your h...

How To: Hit your approach shot close in a golf game

Golf champion Bob Broman gives tips on how to make a third shot on a par five with the green being slightly upward. The pin is on the back part of the green on an upward angle at about 90 yards. He explains hitting a lower shot using a pitching or sand wedge. He uses the pitching wedge with a stance further from the tee and hits lower in the air in order to get the ball to the upper part of the green, which in turn will allow the ball to roll closer to the pin or hole. He keeps his elbows ben...

How To: Hit a golf ball straight and far off the tee

In this how-to video, you will learn how to hit a golf ball straight and far off the tee. Hitting too quick and hard will give you a crooked hit with less distance. Make sure your arms and hands feel light. Be relaxed and make sure your transition is not too quick. Make a nice turn and make sure you are setup behind the ball. This will give you extra distance and a straighter hit. By watching this video, you will be able to easily get extra distance and a straighter hit when teeing off in gol...

How To: Create power in your golf swing

This video is mainly related to golf. Golf tips-lot of strength=fast swing speed. Here in this video the narrator gives golf tips as he is champion and he has achieved success by following the tips. He gives golf tips to create power in the golf swing and how to implements these tips in his golf. He also gives the steps to be followed, exercises and fundamentals to create extension in his golf swing. This is only simple real drill to be brought into action to create power in the swing. If we ...

How To: Use proper golf stance to hit the ball straight

This video teaches you how to hit the ball straight using proper golf stance. Golf tips magazine presents Joe Durant, one of the best PGA Golf hitters in the league. He first tells us the problems with bad posture in amateur golfers. He shows us the bad posture and then demonstrates why it goes wrong. Secondly, he shows us good posture. He bends his back slightly with a slight bounce in his legs. After following the instructions he says, you will be well on your way to hitting like a pro!

How To: Use bounce to escape a bunker in golf

This golf tips video features Eddie Lee, who demonstrates how to use bounce to get the ball out of a bunker. Lighten your grip and rotate the club about 15 degrees to the right to expose the bounce. He demonstrates how to swing, keeping the club face open, with the club head pointing at himself like a mirror. He aims for 1-2" behind the golf ball, creating speed on the finish of the swing. If you remember these tips, you will be a very efficient bunker player.

How To: Kill a golf slice in a hurry

Jeff Ritter from the PGA shows you how to eliminate your slice by focusing on your swing shape. The way this is done is by eliminating any bad waggle from your gold swing. In order to correct this you take two balls. The first ball is set behind the tee about a foot back. A second ball is then placed a little further back by about two inches and close to your position. The first ball is noted as the inside ball and the second is noted as the outside ball. What you do from here is on your back...

How To: Get the proper width in your golf stance

The width could be your enemy, so pay attention... How many times have you been told to widen your stance to hit the golf ball farther? According to Devin Nolan, the proper feet width is determined by the hips, not the shoulders. See how to get the proper width in your golf stance.

How To: Do the golf ladder chipping drill

Golfing drills are the only way you will get better. Sometimes chipping practice can be tedious, especially with no goals in mind. Pam Wright teaches her clever technique for making the art of chipping more exciting. Pam Wright, LPGA, shows you how to do the golf ladder chipping drill.

How To: Slow your golf swing down for more power

Slow down? What!?! You've got to love the simplicity when it comes to long drive tips from long drive competitors. The long hitting Jamie Sadlowski shares his simple tip for more power, and it's not what you might think. See how to slow your golf swing down for more power.

How To: Keep solid, consistent chipping in your golf game

Chipping is a very important aspect of your golf game. It's nearly impossible score well if your short game is sub-par. To ensure this is not the case, Derek Hooper, PGA, from Lake of Isles in Connecticut, shows you the secret to solid, consistent chipping. See how to be more consistent chipping the golf ball.

How To: Coil your golf swing for more power

Do you know how coiling effects golf swing? Swaying too far off the ball in the backswing and downswing is one of the most common power leaks in golf. Use five-time, Re/Max World Long Drive Champ, Jason Zuback's method for creating power through a proper coil and gain yards now. See how to create power in your golf swing with a proper coil.